Closing Chapter

This is the final blog post here on officeboredomblog. My chapter of darkness and negativity has come to an end. Not because I have found what I am looking for. But I am ready to let this go.

I have hated. I have harbored negative emotions. I have struggled. I have cried. I have been miserable. And this blogging platform gave me the freedom to vent anonymously and talk about things that I would not otherwise.

This blog also helped me land a job that I am currently in. I have never ever looked back. I am doing good and have many opportunities knocking on my door. I am immensely thankful for that.

I started Officeboredomblog when I was in a crappy office that had zero work ethic or work culture and a crappier pay back in 2015. I used to feel so out of place, frustrated, and bored in office that one afternoon I opened Officeboredomblog to have something useful to do.

Writing my heart out helped me calm down and de-stress. To be able to do that without being scared of what people would say is a true bliss.

I have written unfiltered posts about my breakup and dark thoughts. I do not regret it. But it let me learn many important lessons. Especially, about myself.

Over the past year, I might not have changed much but there is a change in me for sure.

I am finally in the phase of Acceptance. My broken family, my broken soul, and my broken heart.

With acceptance, forgiveness came easily.

I have forgiven my ex for how things ended and the long list of wrongdoings. He had his limitations and he acted as any human would. My heart still aches but it does not get fogged by anger or resentment.


I have partially forgiven my parents for starting a family on the wrong note. I have forgiven my dad for being absent and being a “lady’s man”. And, my mother for not letting father bond with us, instilling trust issues, baseless fears of losing, being over-controlling, and not helping me when I first showed signs of depression when I was in 7th grade.

They both too had their limitations. Circumstances and situations were also not on their side. Or… on our side.

I am forgiving myself one day at a time. I have done many things I shouldn’t have. I have said harsh things to my mother to the point that she broke down in tears. I have been rude, inattentive, and ungrateful to my friends. I have been an utterly nightmarish girlfriend – possessive, controlling, insecure, slandering, apathetic, and zero trust.

I have accepted that I cannot do anything about my broken family or my rough early life. But what I make of my life from now on is in my hands.

Love sunsets. Gives me hope that the sun will rise again

Don’t get me wrong, I am no magician. The issues I have are serious. It is going to take years of conscious practice to break that colored glass through which I see the world. But at least I will try. I won’t give up on myself.

I too deserve the best of this one life I have. With or without a human companion.

On that note, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my post(s). Thank you Opal Flame for being a pen friend (it’s been a while).

Thank you my dear blog. It’s time to let go, move forward, start the next chapter of my life, and allow healing.



Need to switch on the lights in the other room!

Even In Pain, I Wish You The Best

14th Feb 2019 (one year ago) my phone chimed. “XYZ: HVD” I had saved my ex’s name as XYZ. But what was HVD?

I frantically picked up the phone and started typing. I was excited to hear from him but was not sure what HVD was. He saw the message but did not reply. And then after thinking for a few seconds I realized.. oh! It’s Valentine’s day today!

We had been fighting for the past few days. First, I stopped talking to him because he was not giving me enough time. Then he stopped talking because he couldn’t bear my attention demands anymore. I had scathed him with insults.

Today a “Happy Valentine’s day” message from a guy on a random dating app brought back memories. I had said “hey” to this guy last month.

To my ex, I had said “I love you” for 4 years.

As the traumatic memories filled my eyes and made my nose run like a baby’s first spoon of cerelac.. I could not decide if it is tragedy or comedy. And started smiling at my own erratic humor timing!

A Bollywood movie has a great dialogue, “we live once, we love once, we marry once.” Well, no. We don’t love or marry once. For sure we live once.

Demanding the best out of this one life is no crime. And he wanted what was best for him. Of course, it was painful for me. It still pains after a year. It will probably pain the next year too. But if we were not happy with each other, what was the point? At this point of my life, I wish him to have the best things and the best people in his life.

I wish so for myself too. How little time we have got in this space and dimension. Who knows who we lose how soon… but what we have got is ourselves, a little time, and the immense power to forgive and forget. Hope I will get there one day, with help of time, when I will not tear up anymore. Just smile.

Happy Valentine’s Day to me 🙂

8 Months And Counting

8 months and counting.

No calls, no nothing

No “sorry”, no “come back”

No missed calls, no cryptic messages

8 months and counting

I am still struggling

To fight back tears

Amidst a crowded street

Where we once treaded hand in hand.

8 months and counting

It doesn’t hurt much like before

Didn’t I know it all along

You were looking for an escape

Just as I was.

8 months and counting

I don’t think I have changed much

Gullible and fragile

I wear my heart on my sleeve

Easily get hurt

But I won’t stop looking.

8 months and counting

Who knew I’d still think of you sometimes

Cry in anger and despair

What have you done?

Why didn’t I hear you out?

Why didn’t I step back, turn, and leave, my dignity intact?

8 months

And I am waiting

For the day I stop counting.

What Will It Take

What will it take to not feel let down by supposedly the “love of my life”? What hurts more? The rejection? Or the ego burn for the fact that he chose another woman over me? Or is it the fact that deep down I know that as human beings we tend to get attracted to things and beings that are more promising and exciting.

I don’t earn 200,000 USD + benefits per year! I don’t have the white skin that Indians are obsessed with. I don’t have a slim body. Neither am I a Punjabi woman.

I have a dysfunctional family. A tormented childhood.

I have trust issues.

I was NEVER his type.

Yet I believed. I kept my eyes closed and ears plugged. He did so too.

Or maybe I forced him to. I wanted to show him blue. He saw red. And we both believed in a lie.

It’s more difficult to forgive myself for my actions than forgiving him. There are few nights when I don’t think what if I had turned and left the day he said he did not want to be with me for the first time?

Why was I always trying to fix that was broken at the base?

It was bound to crumble. Wasn’t it?

So.. what will it really take to not feel let down my myself?

I Cry. I Howl. But That’s OK

I have been feeling super energetic and productive these days. Something happend last week. I am not sure what but I knew I was ready to grieve, feel the pain, and move forward.

I cry every night. I howl and cry. But that feels good. I go back to those three weeks and relive the moments. No, I did not do anything wrong. If someone who says he loves you can be ignorant, disrespectful, and unloving.. then it is best to not get married to that person.

It is painful still. But I don’t go back questioning my decision. Or his. Yes, I have now learned to keep my ears and eyes open. The many times my ex told me that he wanted to breakup and I kept holding on to him.

I remember he broke up with me on my birthday once. He was out for dinner with a lady friend. And did not bother to tell me. He told me on the day I was going for an interview.

The insecure me had a problem with this and I picked up a fight. And that time too, he chose her over me.

What was I? Blind? Deaf? Idiot?

I should have left him that day. That would have been my gift. But I clung to him.

At the time, I was not earning much. I was very judgmental of myself and my confidence level was in minus. An ex-lecturer, an ex-topper, an ex-young readercher… was doing data entry job. Why? Because I wanted to live away from home, not ask for money from anyone, and figure out what other options were there apart from PhD.

I dated a few guys but did not click with any of them. I was also clueless about job options and career options. I was just in a place where I felt like I was dumb and I was not worth it.

So, when I found a good-looking IT guy, I thought, “wow! I am worth it. I have value! This guy likes me back!!”

And to keep feeling the serotonin rush, I kept being in a relationship that was probably over before it even began.

Honestly, now when I go out to have dinner with guys and if I feel anything that’s off, I shrug that guy off and move on. Because, now I have the confidence. I know I deserve better.

But I remember, I sat in the cinema hall when my ex and I were in the “getting to know each other phase” and he told me that he went for dinner with some one who, according to him, had a crush on him and he did not like her at all. At all.

I was offended. It felt wrong. So, you can go out on a date and blame it on the girl. And I, the fool, stopped meeting a friend who had a thing for me. And yet, I sat in the cinema hall with him and now I am here, venting away on wordpress!

Once when we were having a fight and I told him that it felt wrong that he went on a dinner date with her… he said, “we were not in a relationship that time ” this statement also felt wrong. Because we were seeing each other. He never told me that him and I were free to go on dates with other people. It was not mutually exclusive. Had I known that I would have met the guy who called me first right after finishing his B-scool and landing an awesome job.

Anyway.. all these thoughts keep coming. I cry. I feel like someone is thomping on my chest. That someone is wringing my heart. That I am such a fool. But I feel. I am not running away from it.

I let myself feel and that is slowly making me stronger. Maybe immune is the word. Immune from low energy and motivation.

Not sure yet if Acceptance is here yet. I am not rushing. I have taken 3 years to come out of a 6-month relationship.. and this was 4 years long. So, it will take some time. I am OK with it.

I am not looking for love now. I am not looking for a physical relationship either. I want to learn, learn, and learn. I want to make something meaningful out of myself.

Fingers crossed.

3 Weeks Of Pain

Could I possibly be in love with a person who kept me hanging for 3 weeks to let me know if he would actually go forward with the wedding?

Those 3 weeks were the worst days of my life. I have had worst days. Sure. But those 3 weeks made me so weak that I thought it was better to have disease and die instead of living.

I was in excruciating pain. I was anxious. I was in panic.

But he was enjoying. He went snowboarding, on dinners, and hangouts with his Mistress and her husband.

For 4 years I gave him undivided commitment. Long distance relationships are hard. But I was in it to make it work. For 4 years I waited for him to finally tell his parents about us.

Right before he called off the wedding, he gave me little attention. He would go out and not call me. I had become non existant.

So, I had to take a stand. I stopped talking to him. Or replying to his messages. And when I was ready to talk, he had his friends over and was in no mood to talk.

He said, “do you know how i felt when you were not talking?”

I was not talking to him to let him know that I don’t feel loved and cared and so, I will do the same to you. Because, I am a human being too and when needed, I can be tough on people I love as well.

But he turned the blame on me. Just like any other toxic person would.

So, I lost it completely (later he said, “yea, that’s why I dont trust you.”) and God knows what I told him.

And he said, “that’s it. I am done.” And continued saying something his father said about integrity and morality etc.

While he might be correct.. I still stand by the fact that I was not loved enough. I was ready to give up my career for him. I was ready to adjust to his culture. All I wanted was to be with him. I was 100% committed. Never cheated. Never thought of breaking up.

Honestly, I can’t blame his mistress. If he is swayed by money, sex, and beauty… may be he is not the man I thought him to be.

If he couldn’t understand me in 4 years but selfishly wanted me to understand him and be OK with anything he does… maybe was not for me.

I remember him breaking down in my arms while telling me about how his ex had cheated on him and got married to his ex boss.

That same crying person… lied and cheated on me. No, I am not talking about having an affair or having sex. It’s the emotional cheating. It’s the time he took away from me. It’s my love that he took from me. It’s the trust that he broke again. It’s the pain he put me through for 3 weeks. It’s the lies, “I dont talk to her anymore”.. while his roommate told me that he went out snowboarding or lunch or dinner with her.

The grey sweater that me and him bought, I saw a post where his Mistress was wearing it. When I asked him about it.. he said, “oh! So now you are stalking her? Why would you ask me this?”

Why not? Why not? If you have a straight answer, give it. If not..if you are buying time to think, then I know what you were up to.

The fool in me.. still wanted to be with him. Wanted to get married! Really? You fool. Really????

Those 3 weeks… when my hands would tremble, have night sweats, have no appetite, and feel extremely depressed.. he wouldn’t call me, text me… he would go cry on his mistress’s shoulders.

I even remember him getting upset because I called his Mistress a slut. Yea, I slut-shamed her. Now I know why wives slut shame women their husband get attracted to.

I remember him telling me, “you don’t take her name with your filthy mouth.”

He pushed me far away. Far, far away.

I am taking my time to recover, I am glad that I am not living like the way I was in those 3 weeks time. Thank God it’s over. I dont wish anyone going through such a horrific time.

A time when you know that something is wrong, this doesnt feel right.. but still you want to be blind and not see the obvious. A time when you are unwanted and discarded but you want to hold on and somehow want to turn back time.

It’s over. For good. Now, I can slowly move away from this pain. It will take time. For sure. But I will get past it.

Deeper Than The Sea

Somewhere on the other side
You live
Your head held high

I spend my days
Like a zombie
In a rat chase

Every sunset
Seems meaningless

Every touch of love

Every tick of hour
Seems like a year

Yet the wound too fresh
Not a single new cell layer

So, I let it be
No more painkillers….

Expectations Cause Invisible Scars

It was my mistake. To expect

That you, of all, would understand me. Love me and keep me safe.

But not everyone has that capacity. Now I know.

That’s why, I am sorry. I expected too much. I loved too much.

Although it’s taking time to move forward, I wish you never look for me. Hate me as much you want, curse my family, my whole existence. I’ll live with that.

Because I am scared I might fall for the same trap again if you just take once my name.

And I don’t want to be in this pain again.

So, hate me. Stay away. Be happy with whoever you want. Have a good life.

Just don’t pick me up only to thrash me down, put your leg on my chest, rub and squeeze until I vomit blood.

Words are your weapon. Not once have you laid your hands on me. But I bleed in pain from my wounds. Everyday.

So, stay away. Find the one you really love. Be happy. I want you to be happy. It’s not me, never gonna be me. I know now. And I am not trying.

Taking Back My Curse

There’s hardly a day when I dont think about you.

Pain has reduced. Love hasn’t.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what your facial expression would be if you somehow got to know that my heart is still taken by you. A mix of hate, anger, anguish, and resentment.

It’s nobody’s fault that we don’t talk. It’s going to be two years since I last saw you. It’s nobody’s fault that I had so less time with you.

I pass by the Mc.D where I saw you with your friend. I pass by your old office. I pass by the corner we first met. I pass by the lane we used to walk.

Remembering us.

This city is rapidly changing. But a few areas still remain the same. Sometimes I think may be moving cities would be a good idea. But you know what? What’s the guarantee that I wouldn’t think about you there too?

What if I see this beautiful sunset and remember the time we saw the setting sun’s orange tinge on the last glass building from my balcony?

What if I saw someone who looks a little like you?

What if I actually meet someone and take a liking on him? Would it stop me from making the same mistake again?

Will I be too afraid? Thinking about my saga with you? Thinking that love always hurts? Thinking that if a person like you could hurt me, what hope is left for others?

No. I have hurt you too. I still remember you crying. Don’t know if that was really because what I said or because you were saddened by your fate.. that you ever met me.

I am sorry.

I take back my curse.

I wish you meet someone you can be happy with.

Go on trips, buy the motorbike, get the perfect job, start your business, keep your family happy, be a wonderful dad, an understanding and loving husband, and a good human being.

Fool’s Wishes And Hopes

I hope I have never to see or hear from you again.

I wish I had never met you.

I wish I had gone out with the other guy.

I wish I did not gather the courage to text you.

I wish I had not hallucinated about you sitting on the

hotel stairs.

I wish I had a busier job when I first saw you.

I wish I had stopped myself when I saw your zodiac sign.

I wish I had stopped myself when I saw your profile.

I wish I had paid attention to the first red flag.

I wish I had paid attention to my gut instincts.

I wish I was more confident about myself.

I wish I was just not checking boxes.

I wish I was not looking for Love.

I wish I was not so hopelessly in love with you still.

Damn me! Foolish me!

I hope someday this pain would go away.

I hope someday I can look back and not be so stirred.

I hope someday I could just laugh it off.

I hope someday I can be detached from this story.

But I wish to never see you or hear from you again.

Not in this lifetime or any other.